From Nick Wilde, Dying Matters:

The controversial subject of assisted dying keeps coming up in the media but there is not always a forum in which to discuss what we think.

Every now and again there is a case where a terminally ill person wishes to end their life and are prevented by the law.

Should the law be changed? How?

Dying Matters is the successor to the Death Cafes held since 2016 at God’s Providence House Tea Rooms in Newport.

The change of name has meant that we can be more focused on a specific subject.

We began in February with discussion on funerals, those we had been to and what form we would like ours to take.

There were 14 of us covering a range of ages.

Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, March 13, from 2.30pm until 4pm at the latest.

There is no charge but we hope you will buy some refreshments to sustain you throughout the afternoon.