TO COINCIDE with the annual Girvan Rotary beach clean, residents of Golf Course Road joined forces to free the north end of the beach of litter.

This stretch had not been cleaned in at least 20 years and Margaret Murdoch and her team of volunteers had a tough job on their hands to make a difference.

Eleven trusty helpers turned up and with 50 large orange bags at the ready and they set out to fill them, which they did in just three hours.

Alistair Wallace, of Girvan Rotary, said: "So, that’s all it takes. If you have a thing about litter, grab a few neighbours, get some orange plastic bags and in as little as one hour you can make a big difference. 

"And you will get some genuine exercise, some fresh air , good company and a loss of a little weight. Forget the Gym, this will tone you up and its free.

"The Rotary would like to thank those who turned up the biggest number for many many years and the council who provided the bags."